Our books

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Hunee Harmony Hub

Mindfulness Superhero: The Journey to Inner Peace

Unleash your child's inner hero with 'Mindfulness Superhero'! Packed with fun, interactive exercises, this book is designed to teach kids aged 8-11 how to harness mindfulness for better focus, increased calm, and emotional resilience. Perfect for empowering young minds to thrive in today’s world!

Hunee Harmony Hub

Wealth Explorers: A Kid’s Adventure in Making and Managing Money

Set sail with 'Wealth Explorers'! This interactive book turns learning about money into an adventure for kids 8-12. Filled with fun activities, it teaches financial literacy, smart money habits, and entrepreneurial skills. Ideal for anyone eager to guide young explorers towards becoming confident money managers.

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Just grab any of our books and you’ll get access to special tools, games, and videos designed to enhance your experience. More fun, more learning, more play—all just a book away! Can’t wait for you to join the adventure!

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Hunee Harmony Hub

Mindfulness Superhero: Bonus Tools & Treasures

Step into our Bonus Hub for some awesome extras! Here, you'll find cool downloadable activities, fun videos, and interactive games—all designed to boost your adventure with our books. Perfect for parents, teachers, and family, these free resources are just what you need to add a little extra spark to their learning journey. Ready to dive deeper? These special goodies are waiting for you, just one book purchase away!

Hunee Harmony Hub

Wealth Explorers: Extra Riches & Resources

Unlock the vault to our "Wealth Explorers: Treasure Trove Toolkit"! This exclusive section is filled with bonus materials crafted to deepen your child’s understanding of financial concepts. Dive into additional games, downloadable activities, and enriching videos, all designed to complement their journey through the world of finance. Available exclusively to our book owners, these extra resources offer fun ways to practice money management, entrepreneurship, and more. Enhance your young explorer’s financial education and turn them into a savvy money master with these enriching extras!

Hunee Harmony Hub

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In the quiet moments of mindfulness, children learn the power of now. This presence is a sanctuary they can always return to, no matter life's pace.

Susie B